First Ride of Spring
Ouch. It’s been a day since my first ride of the spring and my sitting bones are reminding me that it’s been a few months since they’ve been in touch with my saddle. A small price to pay, I say, because there’s no better way to get reacquainted with your bike and your body after a winter. Especially in preparation for another season of Nova Scotia bike tours.Sure, I’ve got a little road salt on my frame. The potholes haven’t been filled, and my tune up was hasty at best, but this ride was more ceremonial. You probably know as I do that a bicycle gives you a real sense of place; the sights and smells of spring are more apparent on 2-wheels than 4 could hope to match.But ouch. Because for me, that day after the first ride is always pelvically-painful. This is just a friendly reminder to go through that mild discomfort now, as opposed to Day 2 of your Freewheeling Adventure.(Admittedly, this may all be a consequence of that old-school saddle)Happy Rides,LukeP.S. – If you’re interested in discovering Nova Scotia on two wheels, you will want to check out our trips for the coming season! We offer both guided, and self-guided trips throughout the province, and have dates posted on each tour page. Our focus is on smaller groups and we are always looking to accommodate the needs of our guests.Follow the link below to see our Nova Scotia Bike Tours.