South Iceland

South Iceland

There is so much to do throughout Iceland that it can be difficult to narrow down your options. You could easily spend months here exploring the rugged landscape and historical landmarks. We recently spent a week and have a few southern-Iceland-specific destinations we think would be worth a slight detour to check out!There are (what feels like) endless amounts of waterfalls, historical buildings, and picturesque vistas but some destinations are a bit more heavily trafficked than others. Here’s a list of some quick sideroad destinations that will allow you to take some photos without having to exercise your photoshop skills to edit out fellow travellers doing the same thing.Úlfljótsvatn church on lake ÞingvallavatnFaxi WaterfallSkálholtHjálparfossGluggafossSigöldugljufurSo have fun and get your feet wet. If you need help planning your next trip to Iceland to see all the things you couldn’t fit in the first time around – give us a call!